A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.

Connoisseur Coaching

By Maroussia Vladi

Cream Arrow Lines Doodle

What if I told you I could make your business team the most charismatic, captivating and confident version of themselves?


Through the weaving of work-related story tales, role-playing, improvisations, and theatre-inspired group activities, I will transform your current work environment into a more creative and exhilarating place to work.

We can all identify 'charisma', but can we define it?

As a professionally trained actor, story-teller and public speaker, I have made it my life's mission to study the mystery of charisma in order to coach it to curious corporate clients ...

For, who needs charisma, charm and confidence more than business companies preparing for bid presentations? Or more than early career professionals paving their way in their chosen industry?

We each possess the potential to be ultra-charismatic and captivating, and yet we spend our time swooning over celebrities wishing we were more like them.

What Connoisseur Coaching uniquely proposes is to cast your employees in 'the main role' through carefully devised acting practices that are custom designed to suit your particular business culture and customer interactions.

It's time to take your first acting class!

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Cream Arrow Lines Doodle

The Benefits

Connoisseur Coaching

By engaging in this unique approach that's rooted in the theatre world and yet is wholly adapted to your business needs, your employees become:

Effective storytellers

Captivating presenters

Strong communicators

Connoisseur Coaching provides an explorative and strategic playground that brings out your personnel's natural strengths to help them uncover a more compelling and charismatic work-self.

Our creative methods encourage team members to discover and amplify their natural super-powers so that they can super-charge their work performance.

Connoisseur Coaching Workshops are suited for both client facing teams and internal working groups.

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.

Meet Maroussia Vladi

The Connoisseur

"Story-telling is a super power, and one that has been vastly overlooked by businesses and corporate environments. It's time to weave the art of story-telling back into the workforce and I have come to do just that.”

Maroussia Vladi is a professionally trained actor. After completing her Bachelors (with Honours) in Performing Arts at Flinders University Drama Centre, Maroussia went on to study the art of physical theatre in Paris at the renowned school, Ecole Jacques Lecoq. There, Maroussia spent two intensive years exploring the many forms that stories can take and the integral part the body plays in conveying these stories.

Upon graduating from Ecole Jacques Lecoq, Maroussia took an immense interest in the theory behind the practice of story-telling. To satisfy her curiosity, Maroussia completed a Masters in French Culture and Literature at La Sorbonne, majoring in Theatre and Philosophy.

Amongst her professors, one in particular stressed that there exists a discord between the corporate world and the world of art and culture:

Why do these worlds remain ‘worlds apart’?

Surely, the world of art and culture and the corporate world would profit from working together?

Just imagine! The corporate world could provide the specific service and the necessary business structure, and the art world could attract masses to the business by embedding the practical structure with creative zest and artistic energy.

It seemed obvious to Maroussia that a disheartening gap existed between two microcosms, which, in a parallel universe, could play so well together.

And, that's how Connoisseur Coaching came into being.

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.
Cream Arrow Lines Doodle

Past Praises

This workshop was by far the most enjoyable thing I have participated in at work! In the beginning, we were all apprehensive about speaking in front of the group. By the end of the workshop, we could not wait to have our time in the spotlight. We were all individually and collectively transformed by the end of it. I definitely feel far more confident and trusting in my creative abilities as a result of attending the workshop. I've even decided to take up improvisation acting classes as a result. Thank you Maroussia!

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.

This workshop provided an opportunity to practice and try out techniques I otherwise wouldn't have been exposed to, and in doing so, opened my eyes to the possibilities of how to present lectures and research presentations.

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.

This workshop allowed me to reflect on my 'strengths' when giving presentations/lectures and to really consider how I can build on these strengths going forward. I also really enjoyed the team building aspect of this workshop (plus lots of laughs!).

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.

Great scaffolding of tasks by a very skilled workshop presenter. Plenty of opportunity for learning by doing and reflection in a safe, friendly environment.

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.
Black Curved Line

This workshop was great fun and was highly effective in developing my skills in making presentations more interesting. I loved the focus on building on the strengths that we already have and learning from each other. Maroussia gave excellent feedback and did a great job in getting everyone involved and practising.

A Horse Carriage Silhouette, Vector or Color Illustration.

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